Friday, February 27, 2009

sharing wisdom

Recently I was asked to contribute my responses to questions posed in a project called "Sharing Wisdom, " which is part of Partnership for Parents, The wisdom shared is from parents like me who have children with serious illnesses or those bereaved parents whose children have passed away. It is a support network for these parents and it is a privilege to take part in this new project.

The website was just unveiled. You can find it at

This project, which is affiliated with the Children's Hospice & Palliative Care Coalition, www.ChildrensHospice.Org; Many consider Palliative care the same thing as hospice. It is not. Hospice is really just a part of palliative care, and in my opinion, palliative care should be part of a plan of care for every patient, and especially every child. Palliative care (pronounced pal-lee-uh-tiv) is the medical specialty focused on relief of the pain and other symptoms of serious illness. The goal is to prevent and ease suffering and to offer patients and their families the best possible quality of life.(I took this definition from

If you're interested, check it out. If you know families or organizations that may benefit from this information, please pass this along.

I love the name "Sharing Wisdom" because those of us in the trenches do garner some wisdom along the way. It may not always feel like wisdom; but when someone is looking for the answers that only I or other parents in my situation have, it sure seems wise then.

1 comment:

  1. This sounds like an invaluable resource. Parents who have "been there" are the only ones who truly knows how these things feel. Thanks for sharing it with us!


Hi Maggie loves your comments. It may take a while for the comment to post, but you will see it eventually.