Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Shouder and sixteen!

Survived surgery. I haven't even taken a pain pill since the half one I took before bed last night. (That may change soon, though.) This pain is more tolerable than the pain I was in before the surgery AND it will improve everyday!

My sister Ellen was incredible yesterday. She was here at 6AM and stayed through the whole thing. She and Steve got me home around 2 and she stayed until about 4. She took the day off to care for me and she brought a couple of meals!. This was a busman's holiday for her. She's a nurse in a shoulder surgery clinic in Sana Rosa. I strongly considered going up there for this surgerym but it's an hour away and it just added another layer of complexity to my overly complex life. I got the best of both worlds, she came to me!

Today is Maggie's actual sweet 16th. She remains amazing!!!!!!!!!!! 
pictures from party were posted Monday!

typing one handed and signing off and heading for the pain pills.


  1. HAPPY SWEET 16 MAGGIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Glad to read such a good report!

    Many happy returns to the sweet sixteen girl! Barbara


Hi Maggie loves your comments. It may take a while for the comment to post, but you will see it eventually.