Saturday, April 10, 2010

Can I park here?

I had to buy a case of diapers yesterday. Maggie gets diapers from the state but it's not quite enough to last the whole month. She uses 8 - 10 diapers a day (don't be jealous of me or her) They send two cases, but we probably need 2.5. . so I have to augment the supply with a case every couple of months. We were down to one pack (about a day and a half) and the supply wasn't coming until Monday. Time to stock up.

There are a number of retail medical supply companies around here so it's easily done. The one I use is on Clement Street. Clement Street is a very busy retail area maybe 10-11 blocks long full of little shops and dozens of restaurants and Chinese Markets. Who else can buy a case of diapers, dim sum and fresh fish without moving the car?

 You can't consider moving the car. You park ONCE on Clement Street. It is congested and parking is always a bit tricky. I had to park somewhat close because I had to consider getting the giant box back of diapers back to the car. There was nothing on the block with the store, but I found a spot on the next block. A case of diapers is actually heavy, but it's also very cumbersome to carry.  I am only 5 weeks post shoulder surgery and I don't want to undo any of the progress I've made.
I purchased the case of diapers for $75 and walked back up the street unable to see very well. My shoulder was killing me. I arrived at the car and "thunked" the giant box onto the hood of the van. The hood is angled, so I had to balance it with my body as I fished for my keys in my pocket. I pushed the button on the key and didn't really hear the door unlock, but kept on my mission. The dog was in the car and I could see him out of the corner of my eye.
Or so I thought.

As I reached to open the sliding door behind the drivers seat I realized it wasn't the dog, but a person on the front seat. She was reclined and sleeping very peacefully. I almost had a heart attack and shrieked some expletive. I stumbled back to the curb with my giant box. Though I dropped a large box on the hood, shrieked, swore and tried to open her door, the person never woke up. My heart was pounding. What on earth was this woman doing in my car? Then I realized it was the wrong car. My van was three spots further down the street. I felt like an idiot.

Twenty minutes after arriving home, the doorbell rang and a delivery man delivered the two giant cases of diapers and another case of other supplies Maggie gets every month.. Yes, they arrived three days early and I didn't even need to make the purchase. Nothing will go to waste, it's just a question of storage.

I'll bet that sleeping woman had some strange dreams. I know I did, but at least they made sense to me.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I'm sorry to say that I laughed out loud at this story. Partly because it took me surprise the way that you told it, and partly because I've done the same thing (although I've never had to balance a case of diapers, as well!).


Hi Maggie loves your comments. It may take a while for the comment to post, but you will see it eventually.