Sunday, June 20, 2010

Fathers and Sons

Happy Fathers Day to all the dad's out there. Being a dad is tough work, and you should pat yourselves on the back for your efforts.

I was raised by a great dad and I married a man who is a great dad. My husband is fishing with his great dad right now but will come home to a nice dinner prepared by Maggie and I. The boys aren't here, but they have both checked in already and will call back tonight. This should be time for a contented sigh,

When Tim called this morning he said he had two reasons for calling. One - to wish dad a Happy Father's day and two - with some bad news. I braced myself. Seems he got pushed at a concert last night and cut his face above his eye. He said it's "pretty bad" and he needs stitches. He then said, he was going to go to the doctor tomorrow.

Uh..... NO. I told him to go right now to the emergency room. Stitches prevent cuts from getting infected and IT'S YOUR FACE.

If you're keeping track, this is my second stitches story in a row. Thank God I only have two boys. When Maggie is my medically boring child, you know it's an active weekend.

I also told him not to tell Dad until it's actually stitched up. That will be a nicer Father's Day present for him. It's easier to hear a problem is solved than to picture your son 200 miles away with an unattended injury. Turns out he waited too long to be seen and they could not stitch it. It's just steri-stripped acrocc his eyebrow and he will have a lovely scar about an inch long. Of course he has the dark heavy eyebrows of his Irish ancestry so it will likely be hard to detect in a relatively short amount of time.

I just told my mother this story and she told me she read that boys brains become fully developed at 20. (Tim turned 20 on Thursday). I said that may be, but apparently some of it is leaking through the hole in his face.

Ahhhh, nothing like a quiet Sunday.

1 comment:

  1. I spent the whole day annoyed with the antics of my two boys, aged nine and eleven. It's unnerving to think that the fun never stops --


Hi Maggie loves your comments. It may take a while for the comment to post, but you will see it eventually.