Sunday, November 7, 2010

Have a Seat

Finally checking back in after several days of feelin’ poorly and not posting. Friday I snuck off to Monterey with two of my sisters, despite feeling less than 100%. That was fun, but I overdid it and felt worse when I returned.  It was totally worth it.We spent the day laughing our heads off, driving to beautiful Monterey and visiting my niece Bridget. It was a real day off for me. I was gone for 11 hours and it felt like a week’s vacation.  Nurse Josephine was here to meet Maggie’s bus when she arrived from school. Those two have a great time together so Maggie was not even mad at me when I returned. (If I am gone for a change of shift, Maggie really gets “mad” at me.)  I had to go to bed not long after arriving, though because I was exhausted, so she spent the rest of the evening with Steve.

On Saturday, I decided not to be sick anymore and just went about my day. That caught up with me by the end of the day.  We need a new chair for the nurses to use in Maggie’s room. The one that‘s in there is shot. This is not an easy task. It is difficult to find the right chair because it has to fill so many requirements at once. It has to be sturdy and comfortable but it cannot be too big because space is at a premium.  This chair will be in use 16 hours a day with people of various shapes and sizes getting up and down constantly. Because of the configuration of the room, this chair will have to be able to sustain numerous hits from the wheelchair, which means it should be upholstered, not wooden so the dings will not show. Finally, the night nurses need to be able to put their feet up and relax a bit when Maggie is snoozing, but there is no room for an ottoman. We have had a slim recliner in there for years; that seems to be the only thing that fits the bill. They wear out, though and need replacing every few years.  

 I saw an ad for a sale at the lazy boy store and went for a ride to South City to check it out. South San Francisco is not very far away but it takes a long time to get there from here. There are lots of signals and slow going, but eventually I arrived and started testing chairs.

Let me give you some advice. When you are physically worn out and pretending not to be sick, do not go test recliners. Every single one of them is so comfortable; it was all I could do not to fall asleep.   I decided that was like grocery shopping when hungry and left the store without making a purchase.

It's a good thing I didn't see this one, though. In addition to whatever physical bug I'm fighting, I'm still not over World Series Fever.


November Thankfuls
November 5 – for my sisters, for the beautiful California coastline and for clam chowder
November 6 - for recliner stores, afternoon naps and for young enthusiastic nurses who want to care for Maggie
November 7 – that Tim arrived home safely at midnight and will be here until tomorrow.


  1. I hope you're feeling completely better soon. And the photo of the Giants chair is hilarious. (the word verification is: weewin)

  2. I'm thankful that you write this incredible blog!!


Hi Maggie loves your comments. It may take a while for the comment to post, but you will see it eventually.