Because it involves the state, I have to deal with a number of different agencies, each pointing to another as the problem. After getting the runaround for days I decided I'm writing to all of the agencies involved, county, state and Feds. (In fairness, this is not the fed problem, but the state is using Social Security in their blame game, so I have to include them in my letter.)
Don't be jealous of my life, but this is how my Friday started. And all it does is chronicle how I spent my Wednesday and Thursday.
November 22, 2013
San Francisco Department of Human Services - Medi-cal
1440 Harrison Street
San Francisco, CA 94103 Medi-Cal ID# XXXXXXXXXXX
San Francisco Health Plan Member id#XXXXXXXXXXXXX
201 Third Street
San Francisco, CA 94103
Social Security SS#
provided only on the Social Security Copy)
90 7TH ST
90 7TH ST
RE: Mary Margaret
Disenrolling from Managed care
Please be advised that Mary Margaret McDonald continues
to have private insurance and her medi-cal coverage is secondary. Accordingly,
she should not be involved in a managed care program.
I have tried to contact each of the above agencies but find
myself constantly being referred to one of the others. Both San Francisco Health
Plan and Medi-cal advised me to contact Health Care Options. Health Care
Options says the social security information does not include the underlying
insurance. Social Security says the information is in fact on there and refers
me back to medi-cal (note this is really not social security’s issue. It is a
California problem.)
Following each of the instructions was circular and I have
not been successful in getting this information to the correct people. The
worker at medi-cal arranged to have a supervisor from Health Care Options contact
me. I was told to expect the call within 24 hours. It came at 8:30 this morning while I was in the shower. I returned it 15 minutes later
and was advised I now have to wait until Monday for another supervisor to
contact me. I’m sure you can imagine my frustration.
I believe that Health Care
Options needs to fix this but Mary Margaret need all of you to work together to
make this right. Mary Margaret McDonald
should not be a member of the San Francisco Health Plan or any managed health
care plan. Having primary insurance is a basis for exemption from managed care.
Her primary insurance is the same as it has been for the
past several years. I am providing the information again
Anthem Blue Cross ID# XXXXXXXXXXXX
Member name: XXXXX XXXXXXX (her XXXXX)
Group # XXXXXX
A copy of the front and back of the insurance card is attached AGAIN. Please
contact me to advise how to remedy this situation and to disenroll her from
managed care
Sara Coghlan McDonald
mother/conservator/designated payee
Don't you love all my titles?
what did you do this morning?
I, too, was online trying to navigate the individual/family insurance website of Healthnet. Your post about Medi-Cal had made me nervous as I have no idea what kind Sophie has -- Monday will, perhaps, be a day where I commence to figure this out. I wish that we could do shots together through this --