Friday, April 10, 2009

Spring Break

Today is the last day of Maggie’s Spring Break. It has been a long week of going on outings and finding entertainment for each day. It does not have to be much, just SOMETHING to help pass the time. We went to visit my aunt a couple of times, went to Target (Maggie’s favorite place), had her friend over, went to the park a few times and yesterday Teacher Joe and Ivana came to visit and we went around the neighborhood in a power chair.

Maggie does a lot better in the power chair when Ivana comes to visit. Ivana works in the classroom one or two days a week. She has also uses a power chair and for the past few months has been joining in when Maggie practices in the power chair. Its great incentive, Maggie simply tries harder when Ivana is there. The other day it took about 30 minutes to go up the block and come back in the power chair. Yesterday, we went four times that distance in the same amount of time. When it is just Dad or me accompanying her, Maggie does not seem to be able to sustain her head in the position to make the chair go. When Ivana is here, Maggie goes like a son of a gun.

It would really be something if Maggie could emulate Ivana in other ways. I do not know all the details, but I know Ivana was instrumental in getting her living arrangements organized. She lives independently with assistance. Her attendant arrives in the morning and helps her get ready, fixes breakfast etc. Then Ivana is out and about on her own. We run into her everywhere, walking the dog at Crissy Field, the power soccer camp, shopping, at school, everywhere. She takes public transportation and arrives ready for action. Ivana is an independent woman who happens to have some significant disabilities, not a disabled woman who is able to get out occasionally.

I know Maggie will never achieve that level of independence. Her disabilities are too profound and her medical needs will always require one to one nursing support. However, having Ivana around now is helping Maggie get to the next level. We have always taken things one slow step at a time and enjoyed the progress when we see it.

For this last weekday of break, we need one more fun outing. I considered taking Maggie to the new Hannah Montana movie, but it turns out I am not that wonderful of a mother. I cannot handle opening day of a pre teen movie on Good Friday. We’ll just do another loop in the power chair before we have to send it back to school on Monday. Maybe after yesterday we can make it all the way around the block in an hour or so. Go Speed racer go!

Happy Easter, everyone. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.

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