Friday, October 23, 2009


There was a commercial many years ago that keeps popping into my head. I don’t remember what they were selling, but I remember the jingle: “good friends are forever, good friends are for keeps.” That is about a true a statement as has ever been written.

When the chips are down, hopefully you have SOMEONE in your life who will stand by you. I have many such people who have proven themselves over and over, through all the trials and tribulations we have been through with Maggie. They brought dinner, or watched the boys, or walked the dog or did whatever was necessary so we could focus on the crises du jour for Maggie. You know who you are (and you BETTER be reading this!) I thank you all.

I try to imagine what life would be like without that support and it is impossible for me. I am lucky. I know its there. Others are not as lucky. Either they don’t have support at all, or they have it and don’t know or believe that it’s there. Either way they feel alone in both their brightest and darkest times.

We have a friend in the darkest of dark times now. We wish him well and hope against hope that he knows and believes we and all his other supporters are still out here. Because of the circumstances, we can’t do anything but love him. But we do.

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