Saturday, June 30, 2012

Traffic Jam

I've been working at UCSF Benioff children's Hospital for the past few months. I just go in one or two days a week and work in the Family Resource Room assisting parents who have kids in the hospital. It seems I can relate to the things they are dealing with. 

I never wish for Maggie to be in the hospital, but if you are stuck in there yesterday would have been a good day. They were having a special showing of Brave for the kids in the hospital . The kids could watch it together in the playroom or they could watch it from their bed in their own room. Animators from Pixar were visiting the kids and answering questions too.  I thought about bringing Maggie up there to watch it with her friend who is admitted there, but decided that was not right.

I am seeing the hospital through different eyes as an "employee" (really more of a contractor.)  I don't have the bleary- eyed, worried, tunnel-visioned feeling that I have when Maggie is in there. Of course I noticed the kids cruising around the halls in wagons or cars like these, but never appreciated it that much because I was always in my head. When I take away the "worry brain" I can enjoy the magic a little more. Generally you see  kids in these cars with mom or dad rolling the IV pole behind them. They are all making the best of being in the hospital.

Yesterday as I came around the corner, I saw all these cars lined up and just cracked up at the look of them, including the sanitizing wipes on the wall above them. If  you know how freaking impossible it is to park at UCSF, you will appreciate this even more.

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