Sunday, February 3, 2013

SuperBowl day!

The city is posed and waiting for the game to begin. Hopefully the 49ers win and hopefully, no one goes crazy in the streets afterwards. One of those two things is very likely.

We are all set here. My mom, my brother Pat, and his wife Julie are coming over as is my friend Lori and her daughter Lily. That's perfect. A few people, but not so many that we can't concentrate on the game (and the commercials).

We have always been 49er fans, though I fully acknowledge that I am more into baseball than football. I was a die hard Niner fan when I was young. In fact my brother Pat and I went to the game where Dwight Clark made the catch. We didn't have tickets, but decided we HAD to be there and bought tickets off some kid that got us into the stadium, but didn't have a seat attached to them. We wandered for a while and finally sat down on about the five yard line, in a perfect position to see THE CATCH.

After I had kids I found it harder and harder to watch the hard hits. Tim played football for one year in high school and I sat in the stands with my eyes covered the entire time. Now that the boys are grown and won't be getting killed on the football field, I am enjoying the games more.

Of course the boys were always fans. Here's Eddie and Steve when Eddie was six months old.

When Eddie was in pre school, he had a jacket just like one that Joe Montana wore on a commercial. We pointed that out to him and from that day forward it was his "Jontana" jacket.  In the early to mid 90's, there was a defensive back for the 49ers who was also named Tim McDonald. Three year old Tim would introduce himself and tell people, "I'm Tim McDonald, but I'm not the one who plays for the 49ers."

 Oh, thanks for clearing that up, kid.

Maggie is ambivalent about the whole thing, though she will greatly enjoy the company and the revelry. When everyone cheers or gasps, she thinks it hilarious.  So she wins either way.

GO Niners!

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