Thursday, December 15, 2011

All's Quiet on the Western Front

 Our life has more than its share of crises. In fact, we spent the entire first five years of Maggie’s life in crisis mode. There have been hundreds of crises since then too, and we have fretted and cried, wondered and feared the outcome.  So far, we have weathered the storms.

We do not live in crisis mode every day anymore, which is good. A crisis is, by definition, an emergency and it takes precedence over all other issues in your life.  You just have to get through it and hope and pray for a positive outcome and deal with the fallout later. We see others dealing with crisis and understand the fear and exhaustion, even if the circumstances are different.  

When one has experienced crisis as often as we have, you learn to enjoy the quieter days. Our day to day life is a busy one with issues and activities very different from those of most people. It is always different and often difficult, but we have adapted to it well.  Periodically we have to make adjustments to “normalize the abnormal.”   Sometimes those adjustments have ripple effects financially, emotionally or socially.  We just figure it out and marshal on. C’est la vie.

In times like these, when our biggest “crisis” of the week is the Christmas tree falling over, I have to stop and be thankful for all that is going right.  It’s December 15th, Christmas is coming, Maggie is healthy, the boys are doing well and will both be here next week..

All is calm, all is bright.  


  1. Merry Christmas Sally. Thank you for giving us your wonderful blog, we enjoy each and every posting. Wishing you and your family a very healthy and happy holiday season, and a marvelous 2012!! Keep posting, we'll keep enjoying:)

    Amanda and the girls

  2. Oh, good Lord! Really? It's time for cliches --

  3. One more cliche - I just hope it's not the calm before the storm.


Hi Maggie loves your comments. It may take a while for the comment to post, but you will see it eventually.