Thursday, August 28, 2008

Skleeta Rita

Maggie is improving every day. The pulmonologist called to say she has a differnt "bug" than they first thought. I asked what it was and the doctor slowly enunciated the 15 syllable name of the specific bacteria. We both started laughing at the thought that I would be repeating the word to anyone. She didn't sound convinced when I told her these words were handy for crossword puzzles. She said, wow! you do some SERIOUS crossword puzzles. (Please I don it in the Chronicle only at the beginning of the week when it's easy.)

While I don't have the exact name I can tell you It sounded a LOT like "skleeta rita fuff fuff" which was an ailment that ran rampant in my family as a child. I am unsure of the spelling of skleeta rita fuff fuff but my siblings will remember it well. That was the name my mother gave to any mystery ailment that we were sure required us to miss school. (Apparently my sister Mary had a related illness known at Skreeta Lita Fuff Fuff. It mutated as it worked it's way down the family.)My mother was always of the opinion that this ailment, however pronounced, was not sufficiently terrible to warrant a day off. Bummer.
Turns out, though, through the amazing advances in modern medicine that we really WERE sick after all. Told ya.

1 comment:

  1. skleeta rita fluff fluff...i still get that


Hi Maggie loves your comments. It may take a while for the comment to post, but you will see it eventually.