If you can’t see well, try to picture some green pants with small shamrocks all over them – Target specials for St. Patrick’s day (which was three months ago) paired with a pink and yellow paisley shirt that looks like it was designed by peter max. Ay yi yi. She was already in the chair when I caught the ensemble, I realized she was wearing that shirt, but she wasn’t all the way dressed when I said good morning. It was too involved to change her pants, I would have to unstrap her and lift her out of the chair and onto the bed and then reverse the whole thing. Instead I just left her in the chair and changed her shirt. Still not quite “classy” but at least a step in the right direction.
In another mismatched outfit – but this at the end of the day getting ready for bed Maggie sat with Tim in the big chair. He put his Irish hat on her and she loved it. I just had to add these. She stayed cool for about a minute than just cracked up.
I had to laugh at these -- both because I'm such a stickler for Sophie's clothes (woe to the helper that doesn't get her clothes right) but also with my boys -- one of them inevitably puts on plaid and tie-dye combinations that make you want to pass out! Maggie is really so adorable that it doesn't matter -- she looks very bohemian, actually!