Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Morning after

I am recovering from my birthday. Which was yesterday. Don't get me wrong. There was no raucous celebration. It is just another birthday and that alone is exhausting.

I received gifts, cards, calls. emails and Facebook greetings and was overwhelmed by all of it.The best was from Maggie, though. She got off the bus and gave me this card she made.

The picture symbols you see say "Happy Birthday Mom Love" These symbols are what she sees on her dynavox and are meant to direct her to the word she wants. I'm not sure Maggie uses the symbols as much as her hearing and memory. (She gets an audio cue too). But they do make the card perfect.  

The text is my favorite, though it says:  

Mom, Happy Birthday. I love you. thank you for everything you do for me. I feel loved because my mom help Maggie with everything. Love Maggie

This sticky note was on it too. telling me "these are her words"

They are wonderful words. 

It's almost worth getting older.



  1. I know I wished you Happy Birthday already, but here's another one. I'm glad you had a good time.


Hi Maggie loves your comments. It may take a while for the comment to post, but you will see it eventually.