Wednesday, November 21, 2012

I'm thankful for...

Some of the things I'm thankful for.................

Nice weather after the rain, making pies with Maggie, bursting refrigerator, my healthy mom, my healthy kids, my healthy husband, all my siblings and Steve's siblings and all their spouses and children, living in San Francisco, the way Maggie's music entertains her every time she hears it, even though we've all heard it 10,000,000 times. my mother who makes me laugh,the nurses that care for Maggie, the equipment that I complain about that keeps her alive and happy, people who read my blog, autumn colors, the smell of the onions and celery cooking as I start the stuffing, having the pies ready, my new working stove that only took five tries to install, gourds, Maggie talking about Thanksgiving on her dynavox, Arguello Super and their fabulous turkeys, the fact that I can pick up the turkey in the morning and keep everything else in the fridge, Eddie and Grace's safe travels to Grace's parents house, thanksgiving napkins and my canoe and oar napkin holders that I forgot about until I started setting the table, good china and a reason to use it, GIANT wine glasses, the almost set table.

And so much more......

Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

1 comment:

  1. Lovely -- I know you're rich in family and friendships, and I'm grateful to have met you and Maggie!


Hi Maggie loves your comments. It may take a while for the comment to post, but you will see it eventually.